About Event

MS Strong is a fitness and wellness program that aims to provide people with MS with resources for safe training practice based on their individual experiences.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is collaborating with Fitness Centers across the Emirates to bring you a series of sessions to help you start your exercise journey.


Not everyone experiences MS the same way – this session offers a series of routines that involve breathing, stretching, strength and cardiovascular training from low to moderate and moderate to high for all participants to adapt.

The techniques used in his method are taken from Oxygen Advantage, Neuromyofascial Release, Neurological Stimulation Movement, Dynamic Neurocognitive Imagery, Franklin Method, Pilates and Personal Training.<

Additional Information
  • All equipment is available on site.
  • Recommended outfit is sports clothing: Shorts / Sweat Pants / Leggings / T-Shirt.
  • All classes are suitable for wheelchair users.

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